Tag Archives: Stories


26 May


No story sits by itself. No story stands alone. Every story that every people have are connected to each other. The connection are sometimes so bold for you to miss, sometimes it’s too vague for you to recognize. The meeting points could be certain corners of destiny, intersections of fate or just good old life making a pass through on someone else’s avenue.

All of our stories merge as one. Sometimes it serves as patches of cloth stitched into a quilt. Sometimes it’s like layer after layer of stones in a river bed. Our stories, when they meet at one point, may be as brief as a lightning strike but with a lingering effect or it may be as long as a lifetime, that after you lose the other part of the story you have come to know for so long, you start to feel empty, you start to feel like nothing could ever make sense again, you start to feel that without the other person’s story, your own story…your own existence, bear no significance anymore.

Stories are the building blocks of life. It starts with you crying as you get your first sight of the world. Then to you wanting toys and candy. Then to you wanting to have as many friends as possible. Then to you wanting to love and be loved back. Then to you settling down and raising your own family. Then to you letting go of your own kids. Then to you growing old with the man/woman you said “I do” to many years ago. Then to you leaving this world and any form of mortality you have grown accustomed to. We are all familiar with this cycle. We all know this by heart. We all go through it as we live and breathe day in and day out.

Stories have a lot of names. Sometimes it’s called decisions, sometimes it’s called choices, and other times, it’s history, experience or simply actions. It’s intertwined by fate, destiny, life and emotions. But what we always have to remember is with every story, there is no random act. Every action done coincides with another. When one piece moves, everything moves.

There are two sides to every story. Sometimes there’s three, sometimes there’s four, sometimes there’s more. Your story is not for you to keep. It’s not for you to weave alone. It’s for you to tell, for you to share, so that when everything finally comes to its conclusion, each piece have already fallen into place and there are no lose ends.